The Articles of Association



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Constitution – Denomination – Office
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E' formed in Vercelli Association nonprofit called
& Quot; Association DON LUIGI DELL'ARAVECCHIA – NPO" .
The Association, that & egrave; apolitical, headquartered in Vercelli, Via Aravecchia n. 74, and pu & ograve; establish branches in Italy and Abroad.
The Association & egrave; time indetenninato.

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Purposes and finalit & agrave;

1) The Association, that & egrave; with personality & agrave; Legal, inspired by the principles
of solidarity & agrave; human, has set as its goal to provide all'ospitalit & agrave;, to the
sustenance, the rehabilitation and integration in collettivit & agrave; of the assisted, to educate them to work and study, within and outside of the Association, cure altres & Igrave; their moral and physical training using its propensities for the purpose of learning trades with which any fruit to ensure the survival of the community & agrave;.
2) In particular for the realization of the intended purpose and in order to act in favor of the whole collettivit & agrave; proposes to:
a) play activities & agrave; host, sustenance, introduction to work and / or study, meetings aimed at fonnazione moral and physical,
b) promote professional qualification courses,
c) conduct any other activities & agrave; designed to achieve the purposes of solidarity & agrave; described in point 1 of this Article,
d) give space to volunteer trained people who, straight from series motivations, give availability & agrave; of time and means,
and) collaborate with Public Administrations and other realities & agrave; associative
pursuing, in the form and manner of their own, the end of support
People in trouble & agrave;;
3) The activities & agrave; referred to in the preceding paragraph are carried out by the
mainly through the performance fomite by its members. The activities & agrave; of members can not & ograve; be paid in any way nor from any direct beneficiaries. To members may only be reimbursed for out of pocket expenses
actually incurred for activities & agrave; paid, prior documentation and within any limits set by the shareholders' meeting.
E' prohibited from exercising activities & agrave; other than those mentioned therein, except those directly cormesse.

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Economic resources

1. The Association draws economic resources for the operation and for the & nbsp; carrying out its activities & agrave; from:

a. contributions from members, & Nbsp;
b. private contributions,
c. State contribution, bodies and public institutions both generic
aimed at supporting specific and documented activities & agrave; or projects,
d. contributions from international bodies,
and. Donations, bequests,
f. refunds arising from agreements,
g. revenue from activities & agrave; marginal trading and production.

2) The financial year of the Association will begin and end respectively on 1 January and 31 December each year.
At the end of each year, the Steering Committee drafts the budget and submit it to' approval of the shareholders by the end of April.
They form a compendium of corporate assets also all real estate, land and
buildings acquired by the Association with effect from its creation through
donations and purchases.
E' not distribute, even indirectly, profits and surpluses as well & eacute; funds, reserves or capital during the life of the organization, unless the destination or distribution is imposed by law or made in favor of other non-profit which by law, statute or regulation are part of the same structure.
E' obliged to take profits or operating surpluses for the realization of the activities & agrave; institutional and those which are directly connected.

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Members of the Association

1) The number of members & egrave; unlimited. Association be open to all Italian citizens and foreigners who commit to contribute to the attainment of the objectives of' Association.


Criteria for admission and exclusion of members

1) Admission as a member, which decides on the Steering Committee, & Egrave; subject
the presentation of a special application from interested parties.
2) The Steering Committee by the record of the new members in the shareholders'
after they have paid the fee established and deliberate
annually by the shareholders in ordinary session.
3) The quality & agrave; Membership is lost for:
a. recess,
b. Failure to pay the membership fee for two consecutive years, two months after the reminder,
c. conduct contrary to the aims of the Association
d. for persistent breaches of statutory obligations

The exclusion of members & egrave; resolved by the proposal of the Executive Committee.
Anyhow, before exclusion, must be contested in
writing to the charges at the same socio moved, allowing faculty & agrave; Replication.

The withdrawal by the members must be notified in writing
Association at least two months before the end of the current year, whichever is later, avr & agrave; value in the following year.
5) The withdrawing shareholder, decayed or excluded is not entitled to a refund of fees paid.

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Rights and obligations of members

1) Members are obliged:

a. to observe this statute, internal regulations and resolutions
legally adopted by the association bodies,
b. to pursue a worthy in respect of the Association.
c. associativas to pay the fee referred to in Article.

2) Members have the right:

a. to participate in all activities & agrave; promoted by,
b. to attend the voting,
c. to access the associative positions.


Bodies of the Association

l) The bodies of' Association:

a. the Shareholders' Meeting,
b. the Steering Committee,
c. President,
d. the Board of Auditors.


The Assembly

l) The assembly & egrave; composed of all members and pu & ograve; be ordinary and extraordinary. Each member potr & agrave; be represented at the meeting by another member by written proxy. No member can & ograve; receive pi & ugrave; two proxies.
2) The ordinary meeting directs all the activities & agrave; Association and also:
a. approves the financial statements in respect of each financial year,
b. appoints the members of the Steering Committee and the members of the Board of
c. resolution any rules of procedure and its variations,
d. establishes the entity & agrave; the annual membership fee,
and. approves the exclusion of members by the Association,
3) The Ordinary General Meeting is convened by the Chairman of the Committee at least
once a year to approve the budget and whenever the same
President or at least a majority of the members of the Steering Committee, tre
tenths of the members deem the opportunity & agrave;.
4) The Extraordinary General Meeting decides on changes to the memorandum of association and articles of association, on the early termination and extension of the duration of the Association.
5) The ordinary and the extraordinary & nbsp; are chaired by the Chairman of the Board or, in his absence, the Vice-President and in the absence of both, by another member Executive Committee elected by the present.
The summons must be made by notice in writing by phone for delivery
at least eight days before the date of the meeting. In the absence of call will be equally valid meetings in which they participate in person or proxy all members and the entire Board of Directors.
6) The Assembly, both ordinary and extraordinary, & Egrave; constituted on first call when you are present or represented at least half & agrave; pi & ugrave; one of the partners.
In the second call, that can not & ograve; take place on the same day fixed for the first, Assembly & egrave; validly constituted regardless of the number of shareholders present or represented.
7) The resolutions of the Assembly are valid when they are approved by a majority of those present, except for the resolution regarding the possible early termination of the!'Association and its devolution
the residue heritage, to be adopted with the presence and the favorable vote of at least three quarters of the members.


The Steering Committee

1) The Committee & egrave; formed by a number of members not less than three and
no more than nine members appointed by the.
The first Steering Committee & egrave; appointed with the Constitution.
The members of the Executive Committee shall serve for three years and may be reappointed.
Can be part of the committee members only.
2) Just in case, resignation or other cause, one of the members of the Committee
lapse from office, the Steering Committee can & ograve; replace it
appointing a replacement who remains in office until the first
social report. If lapse over half & agrave; Committee members,
Assembly is required to appoint a new committee.
3) The Committee appoints a President, a Vice ea
4) AI Executive Committee responsible for:
a. ensure the implementation of resolutions of,
b. establish the budget,
c. appoint the Chairman, Vice President and Secretary,
d. decide on applications for new members,
and. cater to the business of ordinary and extraordinary administration that does not
are payable to the shareholders.
5) The Steering Committee & egrave; chaired by the President or in his absence the Vice-President and in the absence of both the member pi & ugrave; senior.
6) The Steering Committee & egrave; convened as a rule each month and whenever the
President, or in place of the Vice President, deems it appropriate, or when at least two-thirds of the members so requests. Takes its resolutions with the presence of a majority of its members and the favorable vote of the majority of respondents.
In case of a vote that will achieve the equality & agrave; ratings, avr & agrave; prevalence vote
7) The Steering Committee can & ograve; delegate all or part of its powers
ordinary and representation to one or more & ugrave; Committee members. The extraordinary powers may be delegated only in combination with at least two of them.
8) The Committee member who fails to attend two consecutive meetings without justification, falls from office and the Steering Committee potr & agrave; replace it as provided in paragraph 2).
9) The minutes of each meeting of the Board of Directors, drafted by the Secretary and signed by him and who presided over the meeting, are kept on record.
Prepared by the Steering Committee to be held the following books & social Igrave;:
the minute book of the Assemblies,& Nbsp; minute book Steering Committee, shareholders' register.


1) The President appointed by the Steering Committee, has the task of chairing the
same as well & egrave; the shareholders' meeting.
2) The Chairman & egrave; authorized to represent the Association before third parties and in court.
In case of his absence or disability his duties the Vice President
also appointed by the Steering Committee.
3) The President shall implement the resolutions of the Board of Directors and in urgent cases his powers to the same demanding ratification of the measures adopted at the meeting immediately following.


Gratuit & agrave; the associative positions

1) Each membership charge is covered free of charge unless the payments provided for members referred to in Article. 2.


The Board of Auditors

l) The Board of Auditors & egrave; consists of three Full Members and two
Alternates appointed by. Hold office for three years, can be
even non-members and may be reelected.
2) The Chairman of the Board must be registered with the Register of Auditors
And accounting & egrave; appointed by.
3) Compete at the Board of Auditors control functions provided by
statutory regulations regarding.
4) The members of the Board of Auditors is not paid any
compensation. To them it is solely the reimbursement of expenses, documented, incurred on behalf and in the interest of the Association, the exercise of their functions.


Final Rule

l) In case of dissolution of, heritage will come & agrave; donated to other non-profit organizations of utilities & agrave; social or for purposes of public utility & agrave;, heard the control body in art. 3, paragraph 190, Law 23/12/1996 n.662, unless otherwise required by law destinations.

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l) Although not specifically mentioned in this statute refers to
Civil Code and other laws in force in the field of volunteering.

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