“Festa di fine estate” – 2014

“End of summer party” – 2014

End of summer party 2014


Sunday 7 September & egrave; celebrated the end of summer party 2014.

Since morning we have gathered several friends and at 11, when Don Massimo started the celebration of Mass, the amphitheater was full. Participation & egrave; was aided by the songs of the musical group of Brusnengo and the memory of Don Luigi homily by Fr Massimo & egrave; was touching. Don Massimo also shared with participants the bereaved family that had struck him in those days.


After commissioning the big meal of friendship, in the preparation of which many had labored in the morning, which was attended by more & ugrave; of 200 people.


Towards the end of lunch & egrave; come very welcome visit from Mons. Marco Arnolfo, at its first meeting actually glue & agrave; Molin Camillo, who wanted to visit both the new Way to Paradise, is the way of the Cross. Only previous commitments prevented him from further extend its presence in the midst of the partygoers.


Alle ore 16 you & egrave; held the concert, sponsored by the City of Masserano, the pianist Julian Cucco that offered an introduction to the sonata form and its development and evolution.


The concert & egrave; was the prologue to the official presentation of the new reality & agrave; the way to Heaven that all participants then visited with the scorer, Dr. Carla Crosio.
